Probably the most useful product in history, duct tape is easy to bring and can help you out in a bind.
If you're concerned about packing just enough for your travels, don't forget to pack some duct tape. Wrapped around itself, or a pencil, it'll come in handy a lot more often than you'd think.
For example, a small strip of duct tape can be used to keep your feet healthy: Put it on a wart to dry it out or make a blister plaster out of it. Or fix a tear in your rain cape to stay dry while on an Irish holiday.
- Repair broken luggage with duct tape. (I actually had a zipper break once. Taping a suitcase closed is a great idea.)
- Outside of the U.S., and its regulations, tamper proof your suitcase by putting duct tape around it.
- Use duct tape to create a design on your suitcase to make it stand out on the conveyor belt so you can find it more easily.
- If you're in a hotel room and the curtains won't quite close to make the room dark, use the duct tape.
- Make an inside label for your suitcase by cutting a piece of duct tape and writing the label information in permanent marker on it.
- Seal a drain without a stopper with the tape so you can do laundry or take a bath.
- Make a hopscotch board or some other game with duct tape to keep yourself or kids entertained. Duct tape could be used to represent a highway for cars. ( I have a 6 year-old son. Great idea, Debbie!)
- If there is a fire, use the tape to seal the cracks around the door. Chances of this happening are less than in your own home, but good to know.
- Duct tape is a terrific addition to a First Aid kit. If you don't have band aids, duct tape can work if you have cotton , some tissue, or a paper towel. You can get a splinter out with duct tape too. And you can make a finger splint with two ice cream sticks.
Just like McGyver would do!
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