Now book Venice tourism services online

A canal in Venice, ItalyBeginning 1 February, travelers will be able to book tourism services for Venice online and pick dates for travel when there are fewer tourists around. Venice gets over 20 million visitors per year, and is trying to help visitors spread their dates evenly through the year.



A new website, announced by Venice Deputy Mayor Michele Vianello, will let visitors book city council-controlled services such as parking, toilet passes, ferry services and museum tickets. The new site will also offer links with private services such as hotels , restaurants and shops.

And if you’re pondering what dates to visit Venice, a “sustainability thermometer” will inform you of how much crowding you’re likely to encounter, and a color-coded calendar will encourage them to book for off-season visits – in exchange for price discounts.

Tickets booked online will have bar codes that can be scanned at the city’s services, Vianello said. “In this way the city is preparing to welcome tourists in the best possible manner, on the one hand informing them about the sustainability of the city during their visit, and on the other allowing them to save money, which is no bad thing in difficult times like these.”

“The platform will be free, open and flexible. The only condition for those who link to us is that they must offer quality services. We have decided to solve a number of problems in a modern way.”

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