Newseum, Washington D.C.

The Newseum is a clever take on news and museum. It is the brainchild of Al Neuharth, the founder of USA TODAY. Opened in April 2008, in Washington D.C., this museum is all things news, giving the visitor a realistic behind the scenes look at news gathering, styles of reporting, and the negative aspects of media, such as censorship.

The Newseum is a massive building beautifully designed by Ralph Applebaum, who also has the Holocaust Museum to his credit. Designed to be very interactive, it actually allows the visitor to experience the art of newsgathering throughout time.

Some of the more intersting stories details the struggles early female journalists had to endure. Like Margaret Fuller who was never allowed to enter the newsroom or how many females had to change their name to masculine one as not to offend readers. For a change of pace, try reading the over 70 front pages of papers from around the world. One of the most chilling exhibit is stories of important and tragic events in history. Bring some napkins as you read of the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, and Abraham Lincoln. Revel in the delight of the German people as the wall came crumbling down and take a deep breath as the space shuttle blasted off on its first magical ride over twenty years ago.



There are also exhibits that features a whimsical look at Presidential dogs, political scandals and their aftermath, theaters featuring stories in 3D, and a very popular realistic studio where you become the story. By researching and reporting the news one can almost hear Paul Harvey whispering "and now you know the rest of the story." And by visiting the Newseum you will get the rest of the story.

Address, hours, and entry fee

555 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

Entry fees are: Adults are $19.95, Seniors, military and students with ID are $17.95, youth 7-18 are $12.95, and kids under 6 are free.

Visit the official website

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Last updated by on in Destinations.

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Thanks Jon, that's updated now, finally!

Jack on 07 March, 2010

Newseum Tickets

The Newseum in DC is not free. Adults are $19.95, Seniors, military and students with ID are $17.95, youth 7-18 are $12.95, and kids under 6 are free.

The museum has also moved to DC. New address is:

555 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20001

Jon Rochetti on 11 January, 2010



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