Hosting Carnival of Cities on 16 April 2008

Carnival of Cities logoWe're hosting next week's Carnival of Cities here on on Wednesday 16 April 2008.

This great blog carnival is about finding and promoting great articles about a city and what there is to do and see when you visit it. Or live there!

The latest instance of the carnival was at Perceptive Travel, and today's post is over at Family Travel.



There are some great photos from D.C. over at the DC Traveler, aerial photos at Globally Rational, and Adventures Near Seattle: Auburn, Washington.

If you have a great article about a city to share, take a moment and submit it to the carnival submission page. The deadline for submissions is noon US Central Time on Tuesday 15 April 2008.

The best submissions will be showcased here next Wednesday.

You should follow me on twitter here.

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