Headphone splitters are tiny cables that let you plug to headphones into a single headphone jack and so share your MP3 player's output with a fellow traveler. They're also quite cheap and take up no room at all.
If you're at all like me, you're taking all your music with you stored on your iPod or other MP3 player. The only real downside of this, except the need to recharge the battery, is that listening to an iPod is a very solitary exercise. It's more fun to share.
This simple little gadget simply splits the headphone jack into two, so that your travel partner can plug in his or her headphones as well and dig on your tunes too.
Highly recommended!
Available from Amazon.com for $3.99 and Amazon.co.uk for £3.76.
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If you're looking for a discount (and who isn't these days?) try American Consumer Cables (www.americanconsumercables.com). They've got really good deals on all sorts of cable accessories and you don't have to worry about the quality. It's top-notch.
GreenGirl on 06 April, 2009