Dublin Writers Museum

Dublin Writers MuseumSamuel Beckett’s telephone. A signed refusal from Bernard Shaw to provide an autograph. Brendan Behan’s union card. A letter from Yeats to Frank O’Connor, a first edition of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and a silver tiara decorated with scenes from the work of Burns.

You can find the works of Beckett, Shaw, Behan, Yeats, O’Connor, Stoker and Burns in any library in the world, but there’s only one place to go for a vibrant and impressive collection of the evidence of these writers’ lives: Dublin’s Writers Museum.

Housed is a beautifully restored 18th century Georgian mansion, replete with gorgeous plaster work, a rand staircase and a Stapleton ceiling, the museum’s display of manuscripts, letters, first editions, portraits and everyday objects brings to life some of Ireland’s – and the world’s – most beloved authors. An essential stop for anyone interested or curious about Dublin’s immense literary heritage, the facility includes two display floors, a library and gallery, coffee shop and gift shop.

It is no accident that the Irish Writers’ Centre (including the Irish Writers’ Union, the Society of Irish Playwrights, the Irish Children’s Book Trust and the Translators’ Association of Ireland) is located next door to the museum; the association of the two organizations makes this a center for Irish literature, where people come from Dublin, Ireland and abroad to experience the phenomenon of Irish writing, and glimpse into many of the fascinating and quirky lives of Irish authors.

Dublin Writers Museum address and hours

Dublin Writers Museum
18 Parnell Square
Dublin 1

January to December incl: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm, last admission 4.15pm. Sunday and Public Holidays: 11.00am - 5.00pm, last admission 4.15pm.



Photo by Antonia Hayes on flickr

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