Diana Memorial Fountain, Hyde Park

The Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain should be on your “to see” list when touring London. The memorial is located in Hyde Park’s southwest corner near Serpentine Lake. Queen Elizabeth II opened it July 2004 with Diana’s children, ex-husband and younger brother present. It is one of the stopping points on the 7-mile Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk.

Kathryn Gustafson, who is an American landscape artist, designed the fountain. The fountain is built of 545 blocks or Cornish granite. The water of the fountain tumbles, cascades and bubbles until comes to rest in a large tranquil pool to the south of the Serpentine Lake so that it would be accessible and reflect Diana’s life and her personality. It is surrounded by lush green grass where you can sit and enjoy the surrounding or bring a picnic lunch along to enjoy in the sunshine.



This is definitely a “must see” when you are in London.

Diana Memorial Fountain location

The southwest corner of Hyde Park, London.

Photo by wolfsavard on flickr

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