Cruising Antarctica with National Geographic - Video

Quite an unusual cruise voyage going from Ushuaia to Antarctica on board a luxury cruiser. Not only are the visitors seeing the amazing wildlife, like the penguins at Aitcho Island after going onto the beach via a rubber dinghy. Here, the visitors get to see chiclets growing up among the penguin colony.

From there, the journey continues to the rugged Lindblad Cove, a first for National Geographic's cruises. This means reaching the mainland of the Antarctic. Here, large seals are lounging on ice sheets and going by rubber boat, travellers are getting within mere feet of the seals.

Looks like an amazing journey into the cold southern seas, and then seeing nature up close while on the water in vessels ranging from kayaks to the cruise ship itself:

There's a video embedded above, if you can't see it, please click through to the site

There's even diving to be had if you're up for it, especially as the water is a very cold 28F, and mostly the scientists are diving and having to use drysuits. The undersea video in the clip is intriguing as well.

At Peterman Island, there are more penguin colonies of Gentoo, Adelie, and Chinstrap penguins, and these are being actively researched by Oceanites during this cruise. Elsewhere, humpback whales are circling the boat out of sheer curiosity.

From the YouTube page:

"The National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions voyage to Antarctica might best be described by this quote from the video, "I know I'm here, but I don't believe I'm here. It's just absolutely fantastic. It's beyond all dreams." Passengers aboard the Explorer can meet and photograph penguins and seals, kayak in the clear Antarctic air and spend free time enjoying the luxuries of a state-of-the-art ship."



Stunning scenery, and a very unique travel experience.

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Last updated by on in Travel.

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