eyeflare.com is about travel advice, tips, and reviews. Mostly, we’re looking at the budget end of things (what can I say? We’re more fond of traveling than spending loads of money) but there’s the occasional excursion into luxury territory.
This site is run by Jack Norell, sometimes photographer, traveler and teller of tall stories.
If you’d like to get in touch for any reason, I can be reached via editor@eyeflare.com. Please refer to the copyright notice.
We’re always looking for quality guest authors to get visibility (and a link to your own site) here at eyeflare.com. Whether you’re running a travel site, have a story to tell, or your company does something interesting in the travel sector, we’d love to hear from you!
The only requirements are that you:
We do retain the option of editing your article, and of course, publication is at our discretion.
I regret that we currently can’t pay for your articles to be published, but hope to be in a position to do so in the future.
eyeflare.com carries advertising from Google and directly from travel companies to help pay for running costs and the coffee needed to write articles. We know this can be irritating for some visitors, and I’d really prefer not to have it on the site, but is unfortunately a necessity of running a popular website without going broke! eyeflare.com is about travel, books, photography, and sometimes opinions.
Please email jack@eyeflare.com for more details on advertising on eyeflare.com.
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1468 articles and reviews
371 photos
eyeflare travel & tips is © Jack Norell 1994-2025 All Rights Reserved