Situated in Manhattan, Battery Park is home to the New York Korean Veterans Memorial. This wonderful park itself is well worth a visit for it beauty and historical significance being the original Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam. The park is home to many military memorials but of them all the one dedicated to the fallen of the Korean War is most majestic. The conflict of the 1950’s saw 52,000 American soldiers fall along with their brothers-in-arms from the United Nations forces. The United Nations forces are not forgotten in the spectacular monument. Standing some fifteen feet tall, it is positioned near the water’s edge.
Made out of a pillar of black granite, the center shows a cut out of an American soldier who is also known as the Universal Soldier. Looking through him, there is a great view of the Statue of Liberty and Staten Island. Around the base of the monument are shown the flags of the other nations that fought alongside the Americans in the conflict. On the day of the war’s end July 27th at the same hour, the sun shines through the head of the cut out soldier and lights up a plaque at the base of the statue.
Around this magnificent memorial, the paving slabs are inscribed with the names of the soldiers who fell in battle from all twenty two nations who took part in the conflict. It is a place for quiet contemplation and a chance to reflect on the courage and bravery of those countrymen who quite literally lay down their lives for peace, justice and fairness.
Whether you have an interest in military history or not, on many levels this monument is well worth a visit for its setting in a most historical part of New York, its sentiment, artistic value and as a reminder of how very fragile we are. Easily accessible by subway and bus, this monument is definitely worth seeing.
New York Korean Veterans Memorial location
The memorial is located on Madison Avenue inside Battery Park, next to the New York State Museum.
Photo by iamNigelMorris on flickr
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